bits-344 released with these changes:
Added a Test Verbose Level Menu to the Test Menu. Using this menu, test output can be changed to provide more or less detailed test results. The Test Verbose Level can also be modified via an the "test_verbose" environment variable. By default, Test Verbose forces minimal output including test strings for FAIL only and a summary including the total PASS and FAIL counts.
Modified the P-state test to determine PASS / FAIL status for each ratio tested. Also moved the P-state test from the Explore menu to the Test menu.
Modified the cpu_freq function to include a new command line option to prevent screen output (quiet mode) and another to force the measured and adjusted frequency values into environment variables.
Corrected the SMP library to ignore the APIC delivery status bit in x2APIC mode.
For Linux-based installations, INSTALL.txt now recommends using the MBR from the Syslinux package.